Residential Repair & Modification

Residential repair and renovation services are available in some Illinois communities. Residential repair and renovation services include adaptations to homes that can make it easier and safer to carry out activities such as bathing, cooking, and climbing stairs as well as alterations to the physical structure of the home to improve its overall safety and condition.

How It Works

How can Residential Repair and Renovation Services promote independence and prevent accidents? Here are some typical problems and their possible solutions:

Problem: Difficulty getting in and out of the showerSolution: Install grab bars, shower seals or transfer benches
Problem: Slipping in the tub or showerSolution: Place non-skid strips or decals in the tub or shower
Problem: Difficulty turning faucet handlesSolution: Replace with lever handles
Problem: Access to homesSolution: Install ramps
Problem: Inadequate heating or ventilationSolution: Install insulation and storm windows
Problem: Problems climbing stairsSolution: Install handrails for support


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